An Entrepreneur’s Quest

Observe Possibilities.
Entangle Possibilities.
Create Possibilities.

Throw Spaghetti Against The Wall Of Your Life To See What Sticks.

Improbable Possibilities

Linda Rawlings reveals her entrepreneurial endeavors made through childhood, a business career, a dance career, and three marriages–in twenty episodes. You-can’t-make-this-up and you-can’t-put-this-down stories include the improbable creation of a cookie company, Otis Spunkmeyer, Inc.; a sheet metal company, Triple 888 Manufacturing; a DC3 airline, Sentimental Journeys; Express Dance Company, New Shoes Old Souls Dance Company; and, producing Yoga Garden Dancers and—two daughters.

Improbable Possibilities
is available at these online retailers

Anything is possible, but not always probable. Innovators increase the probability of the impossible. Braden Kelley

“Everything is going to be fine.

That’s why he’s seeing you alone, by yourself. 

The therapist told me that all our problems are your problems, and

once those are fixed, then we will be happy.”